Bind 36
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For videnskabelige artikler, se nedenfor:
Bangsholt, F. 1968. Ændringer i nogle danske løbebillers hyppighed (Col., Carabidae). - 36: 527-545. klik her for PDF
Black, G. M. 1968. Pentatomidae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera) collected by the Noona Dan Expedition in the Philippine, Bismarck and Solomon Islands. - 36: 560-576. klik her for PDF
Cook, E. F. 1968. Two New Species of Scatopsidae (Diptera) from the Bismarck Islands. - 36: 414-416. klik her for PDF
Deurs, W. van. 1968. Nye sommerfugle (Lepidoptera) 1967. - 36: 525-526. klik her for PDF
Emerson, K. C. & B. Petersen, 1968. Mallophaga collected by the Noona Dan Expedition in the Bismarck and Philippine Islands. - 36: 338-340. klik her for PDF
Hansen, V. 1968. Nye danske biller (Coleoptera) 1967. - 36: 409-413. klik her for PDF
Hardy, D. E. 1968. Bibionidae and Pipunculidae of the Philippines and Bismarck Islands (Diptera). - 36: 417-507. klik her for PDF
Hedqvist, K.-J. 1968. Some Chalcidoidea (Hym.) collected in the Philippine, Bismarck and Solomon Islands. 1. Leucospididae, Perilampidae and Ormyridae. - 36: 153-167. klik her for PDF
Jensen, H. K. 1968. En klækning af Heliothela atralis Hb. (Lep., Pyralidae). - 36: 341-342. klik her for PDF
Kristensen, N. P. 1968a. The Skeletal Anatomy of the Heads of Adult Mnesarchaeidae and Neopseustidae (Lep., Dacnonypha). - 36: 137-151. klik her for PDF
Kristensen, N. P. 1968b. The Anatomy of the Head and Alimentary Canal of Adult Eriocraniidae (Lep., Dacnonypha). - 36: 239-315. klik her for PDF
Lawrence, P. N. 1968. A New Species and Synonym of Neosphyrotheca (Collembola). - 36: 373-383. klik her for PDF
Lind, H. 1968. Nest-Provisioning Cycle and Daily Routine of Behaviour in Dasypoda plumipes (Hym., Apidae). - 36: 343-372. klik her for PDF
Lisle, M. O. de 1968. Lucanidae (Col.) récoltés par l'expédition du Noona Dan aux Philippines et aux Iles Bismarck et Salomon. - 36: 385-405. klik her for PDF
Lomholdt, O. 1968. Genfangst af Haliplus laminatus Schall. (Col., Haliplidae) i Danmark. - 36: 168. klik her for PDF
Lyneborg, L. 1968. A Comparative Description of the Male Terminalia in Thereva Latr., Dialineura Rond., and Psilocephala Zett. (Diptera, Therevidae). - 36: 546-559. klik her for PDF
Mikkola, K. 1968. Transportation by Air of Nomophila noctuella Schiff. (Lep., Pyralididae) to Greenland from North America in 1954. - 36: 509-510. klik her for PDF
Møller, N. U. 1968. Notodonta torva Hübner (Lep., Notodontidae), en ny dansk storsommerfugl. - 36: 169-170. klik her for PDF
Nidek, C. M. C. B. v. 1968. Die Cicindelidae (Col.) der Noona Dan Expedition nach den Philippinen, Bismarck- und Salomon Inseln. - 36: 232-237. klik her for PDF
Nielsen, B. O. 1968. On a Migration of Hover-flies (Dipt., Syrphidae) and Sawflies (Hym., Tenthredinidae) observed in Denmark, August 1967. - 36: 215-224. klik her for PDF
Pallesen, G. 1968. Fund af to nye danske småsommerfugle fra 1967. - 36: 511-513. klik her for PDF
Paulian, R. 1968. Sur quelques Acanthoceridae indo-mélanésiens (Col. Scarabeidae). - 36: 212-214. klik her for PDF
Pedersen, B. V. 1968. Studies on the Danish Anisopodidae (Diptera Nematocera). - 36: 225-231. klik her for PDF
Pedersen, E. T. 1968. De danske arter af slægten Sphegina Mg. (Diptera, Syrphidae). - 36: 127-135. klik her for PDF
Petersen, B. 1968. Some Novelties in Presumed Males of Leptanillinae (Hym., Formicidae). - 36: 577-598. klik her for PDF
Pont, A. C. 1968. Some Muscidae (Diptera) from the Philippine Islands and the Bismarck Archipelago. 2. Philippine Muscidae, excluding the tribes Muscini, Dichaetomyiini and Coenosiini. - 36: 171-190. klik her for PDF
Terver, M., D. Terver & B. Condé 1968. Représentants contineaux du genra Plesioproctus (Diplopodes Pénicillates, Lophoproctidés). - 36: 191-211. klik her for PDF
Tuxen, S. L. 1968. Entomologisk Forenings Historie 1868-1968. - 36: 5-125. klik her for PDF
Wolff, N. L. 1968a. Notes on the argyrana Group of the Genus Pammene (Lep., Tortricidae). - 36: 317-337. klik her for PDF
Wolff, N. L. 1968b. Amphipyra berbera Rungs, en overset sommerfugleart (Lep., Noctuidae). - 36: 515-524. klik her for PDF